

The Latest LAZ 2020 List Price International

Dear Partners,

 As you may already be aware of, we are having a 5% across the board price increase for 2020. We have not had a significant price increase in a few years. Please receive the 2020 Produce Price sheet and the latest Order From attached here. 

1,The new pricing is effective at 12:01AM Thursday, February 6th.

2,We could lock the 2019 pricing until Thursday, March 5th but through online quote tool only. The quote must have been sent prior to and purchase made by March 5th in order to qualify for the 2019 pricing. Quotes being sent for future budgeting, for purchases that will happen after March 5th should use the new 2020 pricing
3,Marketing will be sending out 2 email campaigns to all opted-in customers and prospects regarding locking in your pricing on February 10th and February 25th.

2020-Product Price Sheet Final_v2-1
2020-Product Price Sheet Final_v2-2